Industrial Prototyping

Industrial Prototyping

Making a product ready for the market requires a large investment and sometimes when market research is not carried out properly, there can be a considerable financial loss.

At Impala 3D, our technical experts work for industrial clients with Computer-Aided Design and 3D printing in Kenya to create precise, highly detailed, functional rapid prototyping of their product which can be used for market research and testing efficiency and accuracy.

Impala 3D offers a great deal of flexibility in terms of speed and material selection when creating industrial prototypes.

The additive manufacturing method of 3D printing allows the manufacturing of low-to-medium performance objects at a low cost, in which material is added until a specific shape is formed.

Impala uses SLA 3D printers that have a tank filled with liquid resin into which a platform slowly sinks and then rises while a UV light hardens each layer. The process repeats until the Industrial prototype 3D model is complete.